Math 8210: Topology of Manifolds

Time and Place: Mon-Wed-Fri 11:30am--12:20pm, Boyd 303
Office hours: Fri: 12:30pm--1:20pm and Wed: 10:30am -- 11:20pm


Prerequisite: MATH 8200


Homework: Homework and presentation

Exam: No exam

Academic honesty: As a University of Georgia student, you have agreed to abide by the Universitys academic honesty policy, A Culture of Honesty, and the Student Honor Code. All academic work must meet the standards described in A Culture of Honesty found at: Lack of knowledge of the academic honesty policy is not a reasonable explanation for a violation. Questions related to course assignments and the academic honesty policy should be directed to the instructor.

Tentetive Schedule:

Week Dates Topics Comments
1 8/16-8/18 Multivariable calculus without coordinates
2 8/21-8/25 Bump functions, partition of unity, smooth manifolds
3 8/28-9/1 Smooth manifolds, tangent spaces, vector fields
4 9/4-8/4 Submanifolds, immersion, embedding Mon is Labor day
5 9/11-9/15 Differential forms
6 9/18-9/22 De Rham Cohomology
7 9/25-9/29 The Mayer-Vietoris sequence, Orientation
8 10/2-6/10 Poincare Duality
9 10/9-10/13 Vector bundles, operations, tubular neighborhood
10 10/16-10/20 Thom isomorphism
11 10/23-10/27 Thom class Fri is Fall break
12 10/30-11/3 Čech cohomology, Generalized Mayer-Vietoris
13 11/6-11/10 Isomorhism of Čech and de Rham cohomology, Computations
14 11/13-11/17 Sphere bundles, Euler class, Hopf Index Theorem
15 11/20-11/24 Spectral sequence of a filtered complex Wed-Fri is Thanksgiving
16 11/27-12/1 Spectral sequence of a filtered complex continued
17 12/4 Isomorphism of Čech and singular cohomology

What we actually did in class: